“New Challenges in Service Productivity and Innovation”
May 29-30, 2009
Seoul National University, Seoul, Korea
INFORMS Korea Chapter (KINFORMS) and Korea Productivity Association (KPA) cordially invite you to the KINFORMS & KPA 2009 International Conference, "New Challenges in Service Productivity and Innovation". KINFORMS is an active INFORMS chapter specialized in Korean business studies. KPA has built a reputation in productivity studies since 1985 in Korea. KINFORMS and KPA together raise issues on service productivity and innovation under rapidly changing environment toward service economy. Industry sectors of financial service, health care, and ICT & logistics (but not limited) will be covered in depth.
Keynote Speaker: Uday S. Karmarkar, UCLA, USA
Important Dates
Abstract submission deadline: March 31, 2009
Full-text submission deadline: May 1, 2009
Early registration deadline: May 10, 2009
On-site registration: May 29-30, 2009
If authors wish, their submitted papers will be published at Management Review: International Journal, Productivity Review, or International Journal of Health Management and Information. All papers will be reviewed by a fast track process with the journal's review standards.