New Member Kit

New here? Start Maximizing Your INFORMS Membership 

We’re delighted that you chose to join INFORMS. Now that you’re a member of our community, let’s make sure you get the most out of your membership!

Learn more about INFORMS here.

New Members

Define Your Goals

Think about what needs, challenges, or goals brought you to INFORMS. When you chose to join, what did you hope you would get out of the experience?

To help you think through your own goals and priorities, download our goal-setting worksheet. It’s a good starting point. From there, you can seek out the resources and opportunities at INFORMS that help you take the next step toward your highest-priority goals.

Download Worksheet

New Member Webinar and Q&A

We offer 30-minute new member orientation webinars on the second Thursday of each month. There are three different versions of the webinar, geared toward students, academics, and industry professionals. You may register for any of them.

Upcoming dates:


The INFORMS customer service team is available Monday – Friday, 8:30am – 5:00pm ET.

Call 443-757-3500 or email [email protected].