Share Your Work

Calling all researchers and thought leaders 

Through INFORMS journals, publications, and media connections, you can publish your work to build your expert platform and stand out in your field.

INFORMS publishes 17 highly regarded, scholarly peer-reviewed journals. Submission guidelines are found on each journal’s website.

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This series of curated, multimedia, industry-focused content focuses on a wide range of topics in advanced analytics and operations research.

Explore the Collections

Member authors have the opportunity to work with INFORMS PR to highlight their work through press releases and media placements.

Visit the News Room

Our member magazine is always seeking member-written articles. Whether you want to share the story of your career trajectory, insights from your work, or your perspective on the field, we are always open to your story pitches.

Read the Magazine

OR/MS Tomorrow is written by an all-volunteer team especially for the student members of INFORMS. In addition to feature stories on O.R. and Analytics, they also spotlight members, student chapters, and opportunities of interest to students.

Check it Out

INFORMS offers free use of our speaker program to chapters, student chapters, and other members who want to engage an expert for a personalized, virtual presentation. If you have expertise to share, consider joining our speaker directory.

Enroll as a Speaker