4 INFORMS Journals Now on BusinessWeek Special B-School Issue List

The Institute for Operations Research and the Management Sciences (INFORMS®) saw its journal Marketing Science added to the list, which was previously published in 2006. INFORMS journals already on the list are Operations Research, Management Science, and Information Systems Research.

“We are honored that Business Week has determined that so many of our journals should be used to rate the world’s best business schools and highly cited business professors,” said Cynthia Barnhart, President of INFORMS, Co-Director of the Operations Research Center at MIT Engineering School, and Professor of Civil and Environmental Engineering and Engineering Systems at MIT Engineering School; and Mark Doherty, the association’s Executive Director.

“In a publishing industry whose scholarly journals are primarily published by large commercial publishers, we are gratified that an independent publisher and professional association with 10,000 members is able to make such an important mark.”

The November 24, 2008 issue of BusinessWeek contains a special section, “The Best B-Schools. According to BusinessWeek, the magazine uses a rating of intellectual capital and two other factors to determine the best American and international business schools. The magazine’s website states, “BusinessWeek scours 20 top academic journals for articles published by each school's faculty, reviewing all editions published in the previous five years.”

The other factors considered by BusinessWeek, according to the magazine’s website, are a student survey and a survey of corporate recruiters.

Several other publishers had two of their journals on the BusinessWeek list.

INFORMS publishes 12 journals:

- The flagship journal Operations Research

- Management Science, also a flagship journal

- Decision Analysis

- Information Systems Research

- INFORMS Journal on Computing

- INFORMS Transactions on Education, an online, open-access journal

- Interfaces, The INFORMS Journal on the Practice of Operations Research

- Manufacturing & Service Operations Management

- Marketing Science

- Mathematics of Operations Research

- Organization Science

- Transportation Science

INFORMS journals are strongly cited in Journal Citation Reports, an industry source. Similar to BusinessWeek, Financial Times includes the four INFORMS journals, with a fifth, Organization Science, in its list of academic journals used to evaluate MBA programs.


The Institute for Operations Research and the Management Sciences (INFORMS®) is an international scientific society with 10,000 members, including Nobel Prize laureates, dedicated to applying scientific methods to help improve decision-making, management, and operations. Members of INFORMS work in business, government, and academia. They are represented in fields as diverse as airlines, health care, law enforcement, the military, financial engineering, and telecommunications. The INFORMS website is www.informs.org. More information about operations research is at www.scienceofbetter.org.
