Past Awards

The 2009 INFORMS Prize is awarded to the Intel Decision Technologies Group for putting O.R. inside every facet of Intel’s business. By employing an extensive array of operations research disciplines and an innovative process to diffuse them, the Decision Technologies Group has impacted a vast and diverse set of Intel’s functions such as product design, demand forecasting, factory development, pricing structures, equipment and material acquisition, and production-inventory-logistics planning. From tactical manufacturing operations to strategic roadmap development, the myriad of operations research applications have contributed more than $2 billion in improved decision making. Intel has demonstrated the effectiveness of OR/MS techniques by continuing to produce better products at lower prices year after year.
By awarding the 2009 INFORMS Prize to Intel, the O.R. community recognizes the world-class capabilities and contributions of the Intel Decision Technologies Group.
The award was presented by Ranganath Nuggehalli, Committee Chair and Don Kleinmuntz, 2009 INFORMS President in April, 2009.