Best Publication Award Application Process

The Applied Probability Society of INFORMS invites nominations for its 2015 Best Publication Award. The Award, which recognizes outstanding contributions to Applied Probability, consists of a plaque and $1000. It will be presented at the INFORMS Annual Meeting, Philadelphia (1-4 November 2015). Nominations that are submitted before midnight EST on Thursday, August 27, 2015, will be given full consideration.

To be eligible for the Award, the contribution (a book, paper, or set of papers) must meet the following criteria:

i) the contribution must be in Applied Probability;

ii) it must have been published (in the case of a set, at least one member of the set) in the open literature during the interval 1 January 2012 – 30 April 2015;

iii) it must be written in English, or have an accurate English translation available.


The contribution will be judged according to

i) the extent to which it advances the state of the art of Applied Probability;

ii) the originality of the theory or methodology,

iii) or the degree to which it simplifies or unifies the existing theory or methodology;

iv) the new areas of application that it opens; and

v) the clarity and excellence of the exposition.

Nominations may be made by anyone, including the nominee. A nomination package consists of: a detailed description of the contribution and its significance, and a copy of the nominated publication(s). The nominator should send a separate nomination package to each of the Award committee members below. (Electronic submissions are encouraged when possible.)

David Gamarnik, ([email protected]) MIT Sloan School of Management,

Kavita Ramanan, Chair ([email protected]) Division of Applied Mathematics, Brown University

Bert Zwart ([email protected]) CWI The Netherlands