All search results for . 10101-10110 of 20129 results.
Peer-to-Peer Product Sharing: Implications for Ownership, Usage, and Social Welfare in the Sharing Economy
...We are witnessing, across a wide range of domains, a shift away from the ...
Synopsis—Optimizing Local Content Requirements Under Technology Gaps
...Governments of developing countries have long been using local content ...
University of Cincinnati awarded the 2019 UPS George D. Smith Prize
...Austin, TX, April 15, 2019 ��� INFORMS, the leading international ...
Researchers Can Predict Where Recruits Go
White House proposes big increase in A.I. and quantum spending while cutting other sciences
The U.S. power grid desperately needs upgrades to handle climate change
Coronavirus: End of the global supply chain?
Adding more grocery stores in densely populated areas could lead to lower rates of food waste
State privacy rules reduce electronic medical sharing by 24 percent, warns Management Insights