Search Results

All search results for . 11521-11530 of 20203 results.

Vaccination Policy in the Large and in the Small(pox)
...On Dec. 13, 2002, following months of often acrimonious debate, President George...

The Air Force Modeling and Simulation Resource Repository
...Ever wonder what operations research topics are being looked at in the Air Force...

The 'Center' of Attention
...Side Stories...

The Interim Leader
...John was unhappy...

INFORMS Conference to 'Apply Science to the Art of Business'
...MIT and INFORMS expertise will come together on April 25-27 at the Hyatt Regency...

Supply Chain Management
...This supply chain management (SCM) software survey has been prepared with ...

Right on Queue
...As operations research professionals we spend a considerable amount of time ...

A Test of Strengths
...Nearly 20 years ago, I had a summer job at a sales office for a large, ...

Academic/Practitioner Cooperation, Part 1: Why is it Important? Why is it Hard?
...Given my campaign statement when I ran for INFORMS president-elect, it should ...

As the wORld turns
...Different customs and cultures impact the way operations research is taught and ...