Search Results

All search results for . 131-140 of 20081 results.

IASTED International Conference on Financial Engineering and Applications
...The expanding range of financial instruments available to corporations and ...

Symposium on Symbolic and Algebraic Computation

The European Conference on Numerical Mathematics and Advanced Applications

Intl Conference on Optimization & Optimal Control
...This conference provides a forum for international researchers to report and ...

...SIAM will celebrate its 50th birthday at "SIAM50", a special...

Int'l Conf Computational Methods in Applied Mathematics:

Seventh European Workshop on Efficiency & Productivity Analysis
...This is a reminder that the deadline to send abstracts for the Seventh European ...

21st Conference on System Modeling and Optimization

Growing the International Firm: Success in Mergers, Acquisitions, Networks, and Alliances
...This is the fifth international conference of the...

CP-AI-OR 2002
...The integration of techniques from AI and OR has shown in the past years how...