All search results for . 13901-13910 of 20203 results.
Fourth Columbia Optimization Day
...Fourth Columbia Optimization Day...
4th Seminar on Numerical Algorithms Applied to Industrial Problems
...This conference will be a forum for the discussion and the presentation...
4th International Conference on Hybrid Intelligent Systems (HIS'04)
VECPAR'2006 7th International Meeting on High Performance Computing for Computational Science
IASTED international Conference on Computers and Advanced Technology in Education
...The IASTED International Conference on Computers and Advanced Technology in ...
4th Annual McMaster Optimization Conference: Theory and Applications (MOPTA 04)
...MOPTA 04 aims to bring together a diverse group of people from both discrete and...
The 12th Biennial Computational Techniques and Applications Conference and Workshops (CTAC 2004)
...Contributed papers are currently being sought in the areas of...
1st Quantitative Marketing and Economics Conference
...Quantitative Marketing and Economics hosts an annual conference featuring ...
Systems Analysis, Data Mining and Optimization in Biomedicine
International Business & Economics Research and Teaching Conference (IBER )