Search Results

All search results for . 1601-1610 of 19543 results.


18th Int'l Conf on Logic Programming (ICLP'02)

Workshop on Supply Chain Management Practice and Research: Status and Future Directions
...A Workshop on Supply Chain Management Practice and Research: Status and Future ...

The 4th International Conference on Intelligent Data Engineering and Automated Learning(IDEAL2003)
...As a biennial conference, IDEAL was firstly launched from Hong Kong in 1998...

28th Int'l Workshop on Graph-Theoretic Concepts in Computer Science (WG 2002)

Austin INFORMS Symposium
...The purpose of the conference is to promote and to facilitate the practice of ...

2003 AMA Frontiers in Services Conference
...This conference is considered by many to be the world's leading annual ...

Workshop on Operations and Management Science

IASTED International Conference on Financial Engineering and Applications
...The expanding range of financial instruments available to corporations and ...

IEEE Int'l Conf on Software Maintenance 2002