All search results for . 18291-18300 of 20185 results.
4th Informs Section annual conference on Revenue Management and Pricing
...The Fourth Annual INFORMS Revenue Management and Pricing Section Conference will...
FUBUTEC'2004 -Future Business Technology
...As simulation and integrated knowledge management are regarded as the driving...
...Main Topics...
Veszprem Optimization Conference: Advanced Algorithms (VOCAL)
...Veszprem Optimization Conference: Advanced Algorithms (VOCAL...
2004 SIAM Annual Meeting
Seventh IMACS International Symposium on Iterative Methods in Scientific Computing
...FORMAT AND THEME: The conference will feature invited lectures...
ISC'2004 Industrial Simulation Conference
...The Industrial Simulation Conference 2004 (ISC-2004) is the annual international...
The 2003 International Conference on Artificial Intelligence (IC-AI'03)
The Ninth International Conference on Computer Supported Cooperative Work in Design
...The 2004 Euromedia conference brings together three individual conferences (...