All search results for . 2651-2660 of 20090 results.
Algorithmics for Data Mining and Pattern Discovery
Genetic and Evolutionary Computation COnference (GECCO 2005)
XVII Brazilian Symposium on Artificial Intelligence - SBIA'04
CombinaTexas: Combinatorics in the South-Central US
Fourth workshop of the ERCIM Working Group on MATRIX COMPUTATIONS AND STATISTICS
...The fourth workshop of the ERCIM Working Group on "Matrix Computations...
6me congrs de la Societe Franaise de Recherche Operationnelle et d'Aide la Decision (ROADEF'05)
ISA Show South America 2004
Logistics Management 2003 (LM 03)
SIAM Conference on Imaging Science (IS04)
International Mass Customization Meeting (IMCM'05): Concepts ' Tools ' Realization
...The main objective of IMCM'05 is to drive forward the research on mass ...