All search results for . 2861-2870 of 20197 results.
Stochastic Search Algorithms
...Stochastic search algorithms strongly use randomised decisions while...
International Conference on Automated Planning and Scheduling 2004 (ICAPS 2004)
...ICAPS is the premier forum for researchers and practitioners in...
CINC 2005 7th International Conference on Computational Intelligence and Natural Computing, 2005
ACM-SIAM Symposium on Discrete Algorithms (SODA 04)
...Conference Program Chair: Ian Munro, University of Waterloo...
Simulation Workshop
...The MESM'2004 conference is the sixth conference after the successful...
Mathematical Models for Optimizing Transportation Services
...The workshop will focus on these three broad areas of major importance: ...
Scheduling in Computer and Manufacturing Systems
Int'l Conference on Numerical Linear Algebra and Optimization
...An International Conference on Numerical Linear Algebra and Optimization will...
...The ESMc'2004 (European Simulation and Modelling Conference) is the...