Search Results

All search results for . 3041-3050 of 19560 results.

Operations Research Gives Profession a Bad Name
...As a practitioner of OR/MS, I must say that I am certainly encouraged by the ...

The Trouble With Data
...Item: In the aftermath of Sept. 11, many OR/MS people were eager to help. Surely...

'Better' Campaign Doesn't Go Far Enough
...Side Stories...

Billions in Business Benefits
...Good operations research creates competitive advantage, so companies rarely ...

O.R. Abandoned Its Interdisciplinary Roots
...I just finished reading the interview in OR/MS Today with Dr. Richard Larson (&...

IT Matters, But Only in Frame
...A thought-provoking article in Harvard Business Review, "IT doesn't matter&...

A New Way of Looking at Models
...In his new book "Serious Play: How the World's Best Companies Simulate to ...

Welcome to Our World
...How would you like to add $500 million to your bottom line? American Airlines ...

The Congressman's Parable
...The O.R. analyst had finally surmounted his most recent technical challenge, but...

Andrew (Andy) Vazsonyi: 1916-2003
...Dr. Andrew Vazsonyi, a founder of The Institute of Management Sciences and ...