Search Results

All search results for . 7601-7610 of 20203 results.

Advancing wireless communication: FCC awarded the 2018 INFORMS Edelman Award, the leading award in analytics and operations research

Europcar: Opticar- Forcasting, Simulation, and Optimization for Vehicle Rental
...The car rental industry is one of the most complex businesses from a revenue and...

Trick, a member of FCC team, honored for operations research

Cornell University Logo

INFORMS News: 2017 INFORMS Subdivision Awards
...The following awards were presented by the respective INFORMS societies, ...

Hiring Preferences in Online Labor Markets: Evidence of a Female Hiring Bias
...In the last few years, businesses are increasingly using online labor ...

Federal Communications Commission

Recover Overnight? Work Interruption and Worker Productivity
...The major problem of life is learning how to handle the costly interruptions&...

Jean Kiddoo

Charles E. Meisch, Jr.