Media Coverage

Media articles featuring INFORMS members in the news.

Most Recent Media Coverage

Q&A: Rob Handfield, Professor at North Carolina State’s Poole College of Management

Q&A: Rob Handfield, Professor at North Carolina State’s Poole College of Management

Logistics Management, April 22, 2021

Logistics Management Group News Editor Jeff Berman recently spoke with Rob Handfield, Professor at North Carolina State's Poole College of Management and Bank of America Distinguished Professor of Supply Chain Management. Handfield also serves as Executive Director of the Supply Chain Resource Cooperative, which adderesses thought leadership and research in the area of supply chain management, within the Poole College of Management, and a member of INFORMS, an international society for practitioners in the fields of operations research, management science, and analytics, where he also serves on its expert panel. Berman and Handfield discussed a wide range of topics, including the recent Suez Canal crisis, the emerging profile of the supply chain, and risk management, among other topics. Their conversation follows below.  

Watch: What to Do About the Global Container Shortage

Watch: What to Do About the Global Container Shortage

Supply Chain Brain, April 21, 2021

Rob Handfield, Bank of America Professor of Supply Chain Management with the Supply Chain Resource Cooperative in the Poole College of Management at North Carolina State University, discusses the reasons behind the current worldwide shortage of ocean containers, and what carriers and manufacturers must do to solve it.

Op-ed: What’s an ideal fix for Illinois gerrymandering? An algorithmic approach

Op-ed: What’s an ideal fix for Illinois gerrymandering? An algorithmic approach

Chicago Tribune, April 22, 2021

Illinois’ neighboring states all have Republican-controlled Houses and Senates. This state’s Democrat-controlled General Assembly is a Midwest anomaly. Given that we are now in the midst of redistricting season, which occurs once every decade, coinciding with the census, Democratic lawmakers in Illinois are salivating at the opportunity to redistrict to their advantage, with implications for the next 10 years.

Media Contact

Ashley Smith
Public Affairs Coordinator
Catonsville, MD
[email protected]

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Artificial Intelligence

The Stargate AI Project: America’s $500 Billion Bet - But at What Cost?

The Stargate AI Project: America’s $500 Billion Bet - But at What Cost?

The Fast Mode, February 10, 2025

The telecom industry is at a pivotal crossroads, and the only choice forward for telcos is to pursue innovation without the fear of failure. Telcos must be willing to capitalize on emerging technologies and shifting market dynamics that will soon dominate the future telecom landscape. Three areas, in particular, telcos should begin investing in and exploring (if they haven’t already) include:


We all benefit from and are hurt by health insurance claim denials

We all benefit from and are hurt by health insurance claim denials

Atlanta Journal Constitution, January 23, 2025

Health insurance has become necessary, with large and unpredictable health care costs always looming before each of us. Unfortunately, the majority of people have experienced problems when using their health insurance to pay for their medical care. Health insurance serves as the buffer between patients and the medical care system, using population pooling to mitigate the risk exposure on any one individual.

Supply Chain

Issues And Ideas With Chris DeBello

Issues And Ideas With Chris DeBello

Issues And Ideas With Chris DeBello, February 28, 2025

Prof. Anna Nagurney explains what Rare Earth Minerals are and their importance in a variety of industries along with day-to-day life
